ECOWAS Wishes a Well-deserved Retirement to Mr Ousseini Salifou, First Executive Director of RAAF

By Gabriel / 5 months, 2 weeks ago

From July 2013 down to April 2024, Mr Ousseini Salifou, in his capacity of Executive Director, had the heavy responsibility of leading the Regional Agriculture and Food Agency (RAAF) and its team in the implementation of the projects and programmes of the ECOWAS Regional Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP). Today 30 April 2024, marking the beginning of his professional retirement, ECOWAS expresses its gratitude to him for his significant contribution to the implementation of the ECOWAS Regional Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP) and wishes him a well-deserved retirement. 

Prior to joining RAAF, he served as ECOWSAS Commissioner for Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources from February 2007 down to February 2012. As Commissioner, he led the development and part of the implementation of the first generation of the Regional Agricultural Investment Programme for Food and Nutrition Security and the National Agricultural Investment Programmes for Food and Nutrition Security as well.

He played a pivotal role in the creation and development of RAAF as an ECOWAS specialised Agency based in Lomé (Togo) with the mandate to ensure technical implementation of regional programmes and investment plans contributing to the operationalisation of the Regional Agricultural Policy.

As a Water Engineer by training with specialty in "Water Resources Mobilisation", Ousseini’s ambition, at the head of RAAF, has always been to position the Agency as the Benchmark and Reference Institution for Agriculture and Food in Africa.

Throughout his 10 years and 9 months tenure of RAAF, Ousseini has unquestionably been a unifier, a director of cohesion and a leader, a family father who rather cares for the development of his team than for that of himself. His humility and modesty are outstanding.

He stands for the importance of remaining fair, equitable and transparent in the management of resources made available to the Agency on the one hand, but also polite and sincere in the interaction with development partners and all stakeholders in implementing the Regional Agricultural Policy on the other hand.

This state of mind, trust and credibility has undoubtedly contributed to the rapid growth of the ECOWAP projects and programmes portfolio under the coordination of RAAF over the ten (10) years and 9 months period of his management and leadership. Acting here and now to promote Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (RAAF) sustainable agriculture and food and nutrition security is, indeed, a battle that should mobilise all citizens of the Community.

Strengthening collaborative work and pooling efforts and resources as well will also help the region to maintain the current momentum and open up new avenues for better tackling food, nutrition, and pastoral crises.

Dear Ousseini, at this stage in your brilliant professional career, RAAF and its partners wish to say a BIG THANK YOU to you for your contribution to the advancement of the West African Agriculture. We wish you ALL THE BEST and a well-deserved Retirement. May God continue to shower his blessings upon you and your family!