
Phytosanitary measures and the fight against pests and plant diseases continue to be a fundamental concern, given the proliferation of plant pests and diseases in the region.

Comprehensive regional frameworks to better fight plant pests and diseases through prevention, surveillance and mitigation have been launched with the view to contributing to the realization of the food and nutrition objectives of ECOWAP. There has been an establishment of institutional SPS working group, with a view to provide scientific comment and guidance on SPS matters to member States of the region and to better manage and provide leadership on the SPS matter, auditing, and revitalization of national SPS committees and regional consultation in prioritizing SPS matters with the view of boosting intra-regional and international trade. This mechanism was supported by the development of a regional action plan.

Problem Statement

The proliferation of plant pests and diseases in the region ECOWAS is alarming. These pests and diseases pose a substantial threat to crops and this adversely impacts agricultural production. ECOWAS seeks to institutionalize mechanisms to control and manage pests and diseases in a more robust and sustainable manner. 

Expected Results/Outcomes

ECOWAS sets an ambitious goal of reaching at least 50% for the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Index (SHI), by 2025. It is strengthening Member States’ capability to adopt and implement science-based, coherent, and integrated Plant Pest control and SPS system supportive of food security, shared prosperity, health, and trade for all Africans.

Collaborating Partners & Coordinating Mechanism.

  • West African Pesticides Approval Committee
  •  Technical Monitoring Committees of the projects executed by the RAAF and those of the Projects entrusted to CILSS (Joint Steering Committee/CILSS-ECOWAS-UEMOA) and to CORAF
  • Commission on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (CPM16)
  • West African Regional Pesticide Registration Committee (COAHP/WAPRC).
  • FAO. For instance, FAO provided technical and logistical support for ten frontline countries trained in locust control in the use of UAVs and drones to monitor, prevent and control locusts.
  • The African Development Bank (AfDB). For instance, the finalized commitment of all 15 Member States to the Fall armyworm control program was submitted to the African Development Bank for funding.
  • USAID Implementation Letter.


Spotlight of main interventions or programs achieved:

Several initiatives have been undertaken and are ongoing around pesticides management,  Plant Pest Control, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures.

  • The West African Regional Pesticide Registration Committee (COAHP/WAPRC) was launched in collaboration with CILSS and UEMOA. The WAPRC work was done by Sahelian Pesticides Committee. The committee’s work led to the following possibilities or achievements: Four pesticide application packages outlining the data requirements for pesticide registration; A platform for pesticide registration processing and management in the region called the West Africa Pesticide Management Integrated System (WAPMIS); Five regional instruments were established, for instance, the list of registered pesticides with an Interim Marketing Authorization (IMA), among others.
  • Regional Innovative Fruit Flies Control System in West Africa (SyRIMAO) instituted [2022].
  • The implementation of two low environmental impact control technologies with multi-local biological efficacy successfully completed and with promising results.
  • The adoption and operationalization of an obligatory flat-rate financial contribution (CFO) by the Inter-professions of Burkina Faso and Mali to have financial resources to ensure surveillance and control.
  • Strategy to ensure an effective coverage of the 36 agro-ecological mango production zones by the monitoring system for tracking fruit fly infestation and issuing alerts, when necessary.
  • ECOWAS food safety strategy framework developed in 2021. The framework addresses the alignment of standards and alignment of capacity and coordination.
  • Validated regional Actions Plan for the prevention, surveillance and control of plant pests and diseases in West Africa.
  • Action Plan for the development of biotechnology and biosafety in the ECOWAS sub-region 2006-2010
  • Harmonized Sanitary & Phytosanitary (SPS) standards.
    • Harmonized risk-based phytosanitary inspection and decision-making guide in West Africa and Sahel
    • Harmonized risk-based sanitary inspection and decision-making guide in West Africa and Sahel
    • Technical Advocacy and Resources Mobilization document to support the implementation of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Action Plans in West Africa and Sahel


List of the main strategic, regulatory, and technical documents or reports validated and published by ECOWAS:

  1. West Africa and Sahel Harmonized Phytosanitary and Inspection and Decision-Making Guide [2023]
  2. Regional Innovative Fruit Flies Control System in West Africa (SyRIMAO) Newsletter N°3 (October 2022)
  3. Regional Innovative Fruit Flies Control System in West Africa (SyRIMAO) Newsletter N°2 (July 2022)
  4. Regional Innovative Fruit Flies Control System in West Africa (SyRIMAO) Newsletter N°1 (April 2022)
  5. ECOWAS food safety strategy framework [2021]
  6. Validated regional Actions Plan for the prevention, surveillance and control of plant pests and diseases in West Africa [2017]
  7. Regional Actions Plan - Development biotechnology and biosafety 2006-2010
  8. Regulation C/REG.21/11/10 on the harmonization of the structural framework and operational rules pertaining to the health safety of plants, animals, and foods in the ECOWAS region [2010]
  9. Regulation C/REG.5/05/08 on the adoption of the action plan for the development of biotechnology and biosafety in the ECOWAS region [2008]
  10. Regulation C/REG.3/05/08 on harmonization of the rules governing pesticides registration in ECOWAS region [2008]