ECOWAS Conducts Regional Training on CAADP fourth BR Cycle

By Admin / 1 year, 5 months ago

The Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) through its Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Unit conducted the ECOWAS Regional Hybrid Training of National Experts on the Updated CAADP Biennial Review 4th Cycle Reporting Tool. The workshop was held in Côte d’Ivoire with over one hundred participants (in-person and online combined), comprising of CAADP in-country teams, national, regional, and continental experts. 

The overall goal was to strengthen the capacity of national experts for the smooth conduct of the BR4 process. The workshop was held for five days and was structured into sessions featuring several presenters. The training mainly focused on various indicator profiles (both traditional and new indicators), BR Data quality and strategies to achieve a successful BR4 process. The workshop achieved the following specific objectives:

1. Provided common understanding of the 4th CAADP Biennial Review process and its expected outcomes.

2. Trained country experts on updated technical BR tools and indicator specification including technical guideline and country reporting template.

3. Discussed and trained participants on strategies for improving data quality.

4. Trained experts on updated online data entry tool (the eBR platform) and the data entry process.

5. Sensitized participants on the communication and advocacy plans (pre and post BR Report release).

6. Informed participants on the final continental roadmap for the submission of the 4th Biennial Report to the different high level political dialogues, and finally prepare and present the BR to the STC and AU Assembly in January/February.

Mrs. Massandje TOURE-LITSE, the Honourable Commissioner for the Department of Economic Affairs and Agriculture visited the training centre/workshop and made remark. She thanked all participants for turning out and for their level of commitment to the BR process. She is committed to providing the necessary support to ensure the smooth conduct of the process. She then wished all participants a safe trip back to their respective countries.

On the other hand, Mrs. Seiwoh thanked the Honourable commissioner for paying a courtesy visit and expressed her gratitude for the high level of cooperation, support, and leadership the commissioner continues to demonstrate. Mrs, Seiwoh thanked all participants and wished them safe flights. 

Lastly, the Ivorian Director of State and Agriculture officially welcomed all participants to Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire and declared the training opened. In his welcome remark, the Director thanked the ECOWAS Commission and all stakeholders involved with the BR process for their hard work and commitment and encouraged everyone to keep up the good work. He further appreciated ECOWAS for choosing Côte d’Ivoire as the venue for the training. The host countries officially declared the training closed.