Regional Workshop to validate data from ECOWAS countries towards the Fourth CAADP Biennial review (2023)
  • Event posted : 1 year, 2 months ago
  • Start on 2023-08-21
  • End on 2023-08-25
  • By Admin

Regional Workshop to validate data from ECOWAS countries towards the Fourth CAADP Biennial review (2023)

The main objective of this workshop is to extract national data and validate it before submission to the African Union (AU). 

In 2014, the African Union and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) were mandated by African Head of States to conduct biennial review of each country towards Agricultural growth.

The biennial review mechanism is an essential component of mutual accountability. 

The data submitted by the countries must conform to pre-established technical guidelines that include lists of indicators with clearly defined parameters.

To ensure consistency, each African country follows the same technical guidelines to collect data related to each indicator. Once collected, data is transmitted at the regional economic community for review and validation, in this case to ECOWAS for the 15 West African countries.

ECOWAS has a team of regional technical experts who provide support throughout the data collection and validation process at National level but also validates the data in a consolidated manner at the regional level. This regional validation process aims to ensure reliability of the data before submission to the African Union.

The Cotonou workshop is the fourth round of regional validation workshop of the biennial review process, with the previous three taking place in 2017, 2019, and 2021.

The hybrid workshop will bring together Regional and Continental experts as well as members of data management committees from the 15 ECOWAS Countries.

These experts will meticulously go through the data provided to ensure that it respects the technical guidelines, is reliable, accurate, and complete.

At the conclusion of these proceedings, the 15 ECOWAS Countries should be able to have clean and complete data which will be entered into the electronic biennial reporting system. 

The workshop will largely focus on data cleaning and completeness and be highly interactive.

ECOWAS aims to obtain reliable agricultural data for Regional and National development.


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