Assessment and programming workshop of the Agroecology Program in West Africa and launch of the activities of the training centers
  • Event posted : 2 years, 3 months ago
  • Start on 2022-10-30
  • End on 2022-11-05
  • By Emmanuelle

Assessment and programming workshop of the Agroecology Program in West Africa and launch of the activities of the training centers

Designed as an alternative to face climate challenges and vulnerability, the Agroecology Program (PAE) aims to support Family Farms (EAF) towards an agroecological transition that allows them to reconcile economic performance, food security, strengthening resilience. , preservation of the environment and health of populations. To do this, the PAE encourages regional mobilization to promote the exchange of experiences, the strengthening of human, technical and institutional capacities, and support for the development of more resilient agro-ecological systems.

The PAE started on January 15, 2018 with the operational implementation of the Agroecological Transition Support Project (PATAE) financed by AFD at a cost of €8 million. It has expanded with the integration, from March 15, 2019, of the Project to Support the Dissemination and Implementation of Good Practices for Sustainable Agricultural Intensification (PAIAD) funded by the EU under the 11th PIR, for an amount of €8.2 million. The operational implementation of the PAIAD began in June 2020.

The 2022 action plan of the EAP provides for the organization of a regional workshop to review 2022 activities and 2023 programming. In order to strengthen synergies between the countries and the regional level and to promote exchanges, this workshop brings together all the national correspondents and the 3AO team.

On the sidelines of this workshop, the representatives of the training centers that will be supported by the PAE will be invited to an official meeting to launch their activities and to a training session on the administrative and financial procedures and monitoring and evaluation of the PAE.

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