Launch of the West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) – Joining forces to sustainably reduce food insecurity in West Africa
  • Event posted : 2 years, 8 months ago
  • Start on 2022-06-15
  • End on 2022-06-15
  • By Admin

Launch of the West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) – Joining forces to sustainably reduce food insecurity in West Africa

About this event 

West Africa and its international partners are stepping up their efforts to reverse the region’s alarming food security trends. It is in this spirit that we would like to invite you to the Launch event of the West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP). 

Led by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) and the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research (CORAF), FSRP aims to increase regional preparedness against food insecurity by pursuing a systemic regional-level approach. 

The program will make simultaneous large-scale investments in West Africa across three mutually reinforcing components. Interventions supported under the program will i) strengthen regional capacity to prevent and manage food crises, ii) promote resilience and productivity of agricultural activities; and iii) advance market integration and the development regional food value-chains. 

Financed by the World Bank and its partners, including the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Global Agriculture & Food Security Program (GAFSP), the first phase of FSRP will be implemented in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Togo, and the second phase in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Chad. In the medium term, the program aspires to expand its coverage to the entire subregion. 



Bringing together stakeholders from within and beyond the region, the event will provide a forum for discussing West Africa’s food security challenges and the solutions brought forward by FSRP. In addition to the launching ceremony with high-level decision-makers and an expert panel discussion, the event will feature three 'Knowledge & Learning Sessions’. 

These sessions will unpack findings from analytical work that is supported by the West Africa Food System Resilience Facility (FSRF) that feeds into the implementation of FSRP. 

9 am to 12:30 pm GMT  Launch of the West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP)Joining forces to sustainably reduce food insecurity in West Africa 

1 pm – 6 pm GMT: Knowledge and Learning Sessions – Powered by the West Africa Food System Resilience Facility (FSRF) 

  • Boosting regional food trade through mutual accountability and market integration 
  • Weather-proof decisions - critical ingredients for the effective delivery of producer-centric climate information 
  • Assessing and managing regional agriculture risks in West Africa

Tackling West Africa’s food security challenges requires the contributions, alignment and support of all partners. We would thus be pleased to welcome as many of you as possible to the event. 

Please register on the ONLINE EVENT PAGE here: 

Download Event Concept Note


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  • ECOWAS Commission
    Department of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources
    Directorate 0f Agriculture and Rural Development
    River Plaza Annex - 496 Abogo Largema street - Central Business District, PMB 401 - Abuja - FCT-Federal Republic of Nigeria